We hope you can find some great resources on this website that provide best practices in selecting trees, planting them, and caring for them, all specifically tailored to our climate and soil conditions in South Louisiana.
Membership is a tax-deductible contribution that helps us continue to lead and inspire the planting and sustaining of our community trees and green spaces.
Agroforestry apprentices will receive a stipend and spend up to 12 months receiving training, education, and job experience from Baton Roots Community Farm, Baton Rouge Green, and additional partners. Apprentices will be positioned to enter the job market and contribute to critical work in horticulture, arboriculture, and urban agriculture, as well as community-driven programming.
Terms like “urban canopy” and “green infrastructure” might not mean much to most, but to the urban and community forestry wizards at nonprofit Baton Rouge Green, they mean the world.
Looking for a great quick guide to tree and shrub selection? Baton Rouge Green has created a great downloadable resource for you with emphasis on native species that perform well here in the Capital Region.
Over the next few years, several dynamic factors will align that provide unique opportunities to improve Baton Rouge roadscapes, our green infrastructure, our environment,
and our quality of life as a community.
This simple brochure provides great instructions with helpful illustrations on how, where and when to plant trees, and even provides a helpful list of suggested tree species for the Baton Rouge area, with emphasis on natives.
Ball Moss (Tillandsia recurvata), like the beloved Spanish Moss, is considered an “air plant” that is commonly found in the upper crown of the tree. Although it is native to parts of Louisiana, heavy populations in a tree can compete with that tree’s ability to photosynthesize, and our urban trees are often already under environmental stress.
During the 2018 and 2019 Louisiana Arbor Day Celebrations, Baton Rouge Green helped reinvigorate the campus of the Foreign Language Academic Immersion Magnet (FLAIM) school with the planting of 34 trees across the grounds.
Are you a fruit tree owner who would like our volunteers to come pick your fruit and donate it to the Greater Baton Rouge Food Bank? Register to have your FRUIT TREE harvested here:
Thanks to generous donations of advertising space and creative design from Lamar Advertising, an outdoor campaign to educate citizens and property owners about the spreading infestation of ball moss (Tillandsia recurvata) across Baton Rouge is about to launch.
Baton Rouge Green and Clegg’s Nursery have teamed up for the fourth annual TREE SPREE, just in time for Louisiana tree planting season, which runs from December through February.
Under the auspices of Baton Rouge Green, Louisiana Community Forests has created and launched a new statewide outreach program. More Than Paper is a branded multimedia campaign built to spotlight the numerous benefits and services trees provide for people.
Baton Rouge Green Executive Director Sage Roberts Foley was selected for the 2020 Baton Rouge Area Foundation’s John W. Barton Sr. Excellence in Nonprofit Management Award for “Rising Star” in the industry.
Thanks to Annette Barton & Malcolm Tucker, Richard & Claire Manship, Citizens Bank & Trust and LSU for sponsoring our annual Arbor Day Luncheon on January 17 at the LSU Rural Life Museum!
Baton Rouge Green and Clegg’s Nursery have teamed up for the third annual TREE SPREE, just in time for Louisiana tree planting season, which runs from December through February.
These new trees, in three-gallon containers, will be free of charge and help to replace trees damaged and destroyed by the 2016 flood, as well as help prepare for future weather events.
Thanks to the generosity of Baton Rouge General, the work of the City-Parish Department of Public Works (DPW), and the persistence of Baton Rouge Green, a section of roadway in Mid City is being revitalized.
Raising Cane’s has been a generous partner to Baton Rouge Green for over 10 years, having contributed nearly $50,000 in event and Living Roadways sponsorships.
The upcoming I-10 Widening project will result in many trees being cut down and removed. Potentially hundreds. A multitude of these trees are part of Baton Rouge Green’s Living Roadways program.
Baton Rouge Green released a report stating that the 4,341 trees that the non-profit organization maintains along area interstates and major roads as part of its’ Living Roadways program are doing considerable heavy lifting in the environment.
Baton Rouge residents are becoming increasingly concerned about the apparent spreading of ball moss across the city’s rich canopy. Baton Rouge Green has received numerous calls and emails on the subject.
Baton Rouge Green plans to meet with state transportation officials in coming weeks to discuss what will happen to more than a thousand trees the group has spent years planting along a stretch of Interstate 10 slated to widened as part of a $600 million infrastructure improvement package.
or their planting of 88 mature live oaks on South Bluebonnet Boulevard, Preserve at Harveston developers John Fetzer & Mike Wampold were awarded the first Baton Rouge Green Award to be given in decades.
On Saturday, January 13, 2018, Baton Rouge Green worked with nearly two dozen volunteers to plant six 15-gallon Baldcypress, the state tree of Louisiana, as part of The Walls Project’s MLK Festival of Service 2018.
Baton Rouge Green, in partnership with The Baton Rouge Bicentennial Commission, The East Baton Rouge Parish Library and BREC, will planted and dedicated a 27-gallon Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) in BREC’s Expressway Park in honor of Baton Rouge’s 200th birthday.
Baton Rouge Green held our 4th Annual City Citrus Pick Event on December 9th, with 50+ volunteers harvesting over 2500 lbs of citrus fruit from volunteer Citrus Shepherds
Baton Rouge Green, in a partnership with The Arbor Day Foundation, Texas Roadhouse, and FedEx, distributed 1,000 free trees on Saturday, October 28th, to Livingston Parish residents.
Since 2013 Baton Rouge Green organized the City Citrus Pick Event each winter. At-home “Citrus Shepherds” who have well-established trees that produce more fruit than they can consume volunteer their trees to be harvested.
Register your citrus trees to be harvested and Baton Rouge Green’s City Citrus project will send volunteers to your home on December 9th during the 4th Annual Pick Event.
On December 12th, 2015, volunteers harvested the extra fruit from trees participating in City Citrus pick event. All fruit harvested was donated to local food banks.
On October 24, 2015, ExxonMobil partnered with Baton Rouge Green to celebrate National Neighborwoods Month by installing a new pocket park designed to improve a blighted lot on Sorrel Avenue in North Baton Rouge.
On Saturday, October 18, volunteers for Baton Rouge Green expanded the urban orchard and public green space originally planted last spring in North Baton Rouge.
Through this project, BRG hopes to encourage neighborhoods to begin planting click for plan view fruit trees and shrubs that provide healthy snacks and food for the community.
In a pilot program, three vacant lots in Old South Baton Rouge were transformed with colorful sunflower plantings as a community revitalization tool implemented through a partnership with the Center for Planning Excellence (CPEX) and the East Baton Rouge Redevelopment Authority (RDA).
BRG worked with Councilman Bourgeois’s office to find neighborhood contacts in the Valley Park community that helped plan a community meeting at the local Nairn Drive BREC Park.
With help from Ronnie Edwards, Metro Councilwoman-elect of District 5 and executive director of Urban Restoration Enhancement Corporation (UREC), the final NeighborWoods planting of 2008 in Hooper Ridge subdivision took place on December 13th.
Baton Rouge Green assisted Melrose East neighbors and businesses with a community greening project, helping guide dozens of volunteers in the planting of about 75 trees throughout 2005.
For those who have just the spot for planting a tree to honor a loved one, we can arrange to plant a tree of your choice in a specific location, including your private property or a public space that will accept this gift and ensure the tree is cared for.
This handy flyer provides quick, useful information to homeowners and REALTORS about what goes into the yard. The tri-fold brochure gives uncomplicated guidance and directs readers to these online resource pages for details on specific tree and landscape topics.
In 2019 Baton Rouge Green began establishing a citrus tree orchard in a previously open field (a former golf course fairway!) at BREC’s Howell Park, adjacent to the site of the Baton Roots Community Farm.
When a local philanthropist looked at the College Drive interchange at I-10, he saw a blank slate in the heart of Baton Rouge that desperately needed attention. He called Baton Rouge Green to help.
Our yards and parks often have a mixture of deciduous and evergreen trees. Take a walk outside to graph the trees that surround you. For some extra fun, compare your yard's trees with a friend's!
AASHTO’s Center for Environmental Excellence is touting the partnership between Baton Rouge Green and Louisiana Department of Transportation & Development as a new model for environmentally- and context-sensitive planning and growth.