Baton Rouge Green | About BRG

Over 35 years later, Baton Rouge Green’s laser-focused mission – to advocate for, plant and protect our community trees – has become more relevant and critical than ever.

These days our pursuit of this mission takes many forms. We actively maintain thousands of trees along major roadways and in community green spaces for the benefit of all citizens. We constantly work to raise awareness about the importance of trees as critical infrastructure. We introduce children to their first tree planting experience, and teach them why and how to advocate for trees. You can also find our team helping underserved populations gain access to more trees and community green spaces, and even cultivating urban orchards to provide healthy, fresh food sources closer to home.

In today’s world there are few tools at our disposal that are as cost-effective, impactful and multi-purpose as trees. We plant and care for our community trees for a better tomorrow, and for the generations that will follow us. Join us. PLANT IT FORWARD.

LA Arbor Day Table

4000+ trees planted across 24 sites through Living Roadways

A 2023 iTree study (a peer-reviewed platform developed by the U.S. Forest Service) of our Living Roadways sites suggests that EACH YEAR these 4,000+ trees grant us


Gallons of stormwater runoff prevented annually


Tons of pollution removed from air annually


Tons of carbon sequestered annually

Expanding access to healthy food sources through City Citrus

City Citrus is converting underused urban green space into small, easily-managed citrus orchards that provide healthy food options naturally.


Trees Planted by City Citrus


City Citrus sites in four parishes


City Citrus Shepherds

Baton Rouge Green has been an important partner with the City-Parish in creating a healthy and sustainable landscape for our community. We count on the generous support of local companies and caring individuals who help maintain programs like Living Roadways which has provided the canopy of trees along our interstates and major roadways.

Melvin “Kip“ Holden, Former Mayor-President, East Baton Rouge Parish/City of BR

I have truly enjoyed seeing what Baton Rouge Green has done around the city. I'm glad we can partner with such a great organization.

Stacie Brown, Coca-Cola