Baton Rouge Green | What is the 1000 Tree Challenge?

What is the 1000 Tree Challenge?

What is the 1000 Tree Challenge?

Baton Rouge Green intends to plant and maintain 1,000 additional trees on critical Baton Rouge roadways by 2032.

Over the next few years, several dynamic factors will align that provide unique opportunities to improve Baton Rouge roadscapes, our green infrastructure, our environment, and our quality of life as a community.

With your support Baton Rouge Green will lead this effort.

Projects completed or on the books to accomplish this goal include:

  • South Sherwood Forest Boulevard – 43 Trees – COMPLETE
  • Bluebonnet Boulevard between Perkins Rd & Burbank Ave – 47 Trees - COMPLETE
  • Coursey Blvd. between Airline Hwy & Sherwood Forest - 30 Trees - COMPLETE
  • I-10 at Siegen Lane – 6 Trees (+ Hundreds of grasses!) - MAY 2024
  • Harding Blvd. between Scenic Hwy & Plank Rd - 50 Trees - WINTER 2024-25
  • I-10 at Pecue Lane Interchange – WINTER 2026-27
  • I-10 & I-12 split - 500 Trees - WINTER 2026-2028

Major thoroughfares that are on BRG’s target list also include:

  • Government Street
  • Harding Boulevard
  • Florida Boulevard
  • Airline Highway
  • Burbank Boulevard
  • Essen Lane

Baton Rouge Green currently estimates the cost of professionally planting a tree of scale on a roadside, and caring for that tree for its first year of establishment, at between $1,500 and $1,700. Our rigorous process is designed to ensure the tree’s longevity so as maximize the ecological benefits of the tree and provide true return on the investment.

Baton Rouge Green needs partners that understand the value of trees, the importance of investing in our city and our green infrastructure, and seek to improve life for all of our citizens. If you are interested in partnering with Baton Rouge Green on the 1000 Tree Challenge, please email Sage at We would value the opportunity to share our plans with you!

Thank you for challenging us!


CATALYST $25,000

Susan & Richard Lipsey
Beverly & Dudley Coates Fund and Cathy Coates & Brian Hales
Entergy Louisiana
Katheryn & Clay Flournoy
Amanda Martin
Anonymous Donor


Annette D. Barton


Nanette Dicharry & Scott Woodward
Candi & Paul Ferachi
Jennifer & Sean Reilly
Anne Wilkinson

SPARK (up to $2,500)

Laurie Lipsey Aronson
Mary Kay & Terrell Brown
Duplantis Design Group
Anne Phillips
Mr. & Mrs. Pat R. Van Burkleo