Baton Rouge Green | 2013 Urban Orchard

2013 Urban Orchard

2013 Urban Orchard

Through this project, BRG hopes to encourage neighborhoods to begin planting click for plan view fruit trees and shrubs that provide healthy snacks and food for the community. These URBAN ORCHARDS are relatively low-maintenance alternatives to community gardens. Instead of a corner store Urban Gardens now has a corner orchard.

This NeighborWoods project was generously funded by ExxonMobil, and is a collaboration between BRG, The King’s Children Ministry, and Urban Restoration Enhancement Corp (UREC). The Urban Gardens Subdivision inhabits the old Hollywood Elementary site in N. Baton Rouge. Two house lots owned by the King’s Children Ministry are kindly held in perpetuity as communal green spaces. BRG was brought in by the developer– UREC – to design and install programming for the vacant lots.

During the planning phase of these green spaces residents expressed a desire for a community garden, however, maintenance resources were limited. BRG designed as space that would yield food crops and build community ties in the same way as a shared garden, yet require significantly less upkeep.

Urban Orchard sponsors