Baton Rouge Green | Baton Rouge Green+ Clegg’s Tree Sale, Saturday,…

Baton Rouge Green+ Clegg’s Tree Sale, Saturday, Oct 21st at Siegen Lane Location ONLY!

Baton Rouge Green+ Clegg’s Tree Sale, Saturday, Oct 21st at Siegen Lane Location ONLY!

Baton Rouge Green and Clegg’s Nursery have teamed up for a Tree Sale, just in time for tree planting season, on Saturday, October 21st, at Clegg’s Siegen Lane location ONLY, during regular business hours: 8a to 5:30p.

Clegg’s will stock up on the hard-to-find native trees and shrubs that Baton Rouge Green experts encourage citizens to use in their landscapes, such as Sweet Bay Magnolia, PawPaw, Silver Bell and several varieties of fruit trees.

Baton Rouge Green will tag their favorites and Clegg’s will donate 20% of the proceeds of all “Baton Rouge Green Approved” trees back to the organization!

Baton Rouge Green tree and plant experts will also be on hand to answer questions and talk with shoppers.

Thanks to Clegg’s Nursery!

Trees & Shrubs available:

3gal Japanese Maple
4gal Swamp Red Maple
3gal Pawpaw
3gal American Beautyberry
3gal American Hornbeam
3gal Common Buttonbush
5gal Chinese Fringe Tree
6.5gal Native Fringe Tree
3gal Key Lime
3gal Brown Select Satsuma
3gal Owari Satsuma
3gal Meyer Lemon
3gal Ruby Red Grapefruit
3gal Summersweet
3gal Parsley Hawthorne
3gal Mayhaw
3gal Swamp Titi
3gal Common Persimmon
4gal Brown Turkey Fig
4gal Celeste Fig
3gal Sweet Kumquat
3gal Two-Wing Silverbell
15gal Dahoon Holly (male)
3gal Possumhaw Holly
3gal Native Yaupon
3gal Starbush
3gal Virginia Willow
1.3qt Soft Rush
5gal Natchez Crape Myrtle
15gal Teddy Bear Southern Magnolia
7gal Alta Southern Magnolia
3gal Evergreen Sweetbay Magnolia (single trunk)
3gal Southern Waxmyrtle
3gal Black Gum
15gal Black Gum
3gal Sweet Olive
10gal Sweet Olive
3gal Spruce Pine
3gal Swamp Chestnut Oak
5gal Nutall Oak
15gal Nutall Oak
5gal Shummard Oak
15gal Shummard Oak
5gal Live Oak
15gal Live Oak
3gal Native Honeysuckle Azalea
3gal Winged Sumac
5gal Bald Cypress
3gal Pond Cypress
10gal Winged Elm
1gal Climax Blueberry
3gal Climax Blueberry
1gal Premier Blueberry
3gal Premier Blueberry
1gal Tifblue Blueberry
3gal Tifblue Blueberry